Skin Cancer Checks
Visit our state of the art skin cancer clinic and receive a thorough check performed by our expert staff. Our team works together towards the prevention, early detection, and treatment of skin cancer in Coolangatta Queensland.
The risk of skin cancer is dependent on your previous sun or UV exposure, family or personal history of skin cancer, skin type and general health. As it is unpredictable, it is recommended that you get your skin check done regularly.
Restricted Bulk Billing available for: Pension, DVA, & Concession Card holders + Children Under 16

Travel Vaccinations
Australians travelling at home and abroad need vaccines to help protect them against diseases that are not prevalent in Australia but are common in many countries overseas.
At Coolangatta Medical Centre, we provide full travel vaccine services. Our Doctors are specialised in travel health as well as up to date travel vaccination advice.
Our Doctors recognize the distinctions between vaccination required by law for entry to a country, the specific precautions needed and the vaccinations recommended for general protection against diseases. We are an Australian Government Accredited Yellow FeverVaccination Centre and offer other specialised vaccines such as rabies and an extensive corporate flu programme.
If you are planning to travel to Asia, Africa, Peru, Vietnam, South America, Thailand, Bali, India or outback Australia; wherever your destination, simply book an appointment to discuss travel vaccination options with one of our specialist travel vaccination and medicine Doctors.
Our travel vaccines and travel medicines include:
Yellow Fever
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Japanese Encephalitis
Malaria Medications
MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
Tetanus, Diphtheria, Whooping cough
Chicken Pox
Altitude advice
Bulk Billing is not available for Travel Consultations.
Aged Care
At Coolangatta Medical Centre we offer services to patients in Registered Aged Care Facilities.
For all patients over 75 years of age, we can provide an annual in-home assessment with a visiting nurse. This assessment helps us identify any issues with memory, fall-risks in the home, and depression. Along with a general medical check these assessments ensure we can pro actively address any problems before they escalate and result in hospital admission.
Older patients often have complex medication lists. Our doctors work with our local pharmacists to regularly review medications as well as suggest the use of dosing aids where appropriate.
In addition to GP care, elderly patients can access a range of allied health care including physiotherapy, psychology, dietetics, speech and podiatry.
Bulk Billing available for: Pension, DVA, & Concession Card holders + Children Under 16
Family Medicine
We are proud to be specialty devoted to comprehensive health care for people of all ages. Committed to provides continuing and comprehensive health care for the individual and family across all ages.
Bulk Billing available for: Pension, DVA, & Concession Card holders + Children Under 16
Childhood Vaccinations & Paediatrics
Our expert team offers childhood immunisations, baby health checks, school-base catch up immunisations, and childhood travel vaccinations + advice.
Bulk Billing available for: Pension, DVA, & Concession Card holders + Children Under 16
Chronic Disease Management
Chronic Medical Condition (definition as defined by Medicare)
A chronic medical condition is one that has been (or is likely to be) present for six months or longer. It includes but is not limited to conditions such as asthma, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and stroke. Your G.P. will determine whether a plan is appropriate for you.
G.P. Management Plan (G.P.M.P)
This is a plan that you and your G.P. organize to address all your health needs over the next 12 months. It includes planning for bloods, procedures, referrals, radiology that may be done.
Team Care Arrangement (T.C.A.)
You will be eligible for subsidised referral to Allied Health services if you have a chronic medical condition and complex care needs. A requirement of a TCA is that you require input from at least 2 other health care providers.
At Coolangatta Medical Centre we have a strong focus on preventative care in chronic disease management, including addressing risk factors such as obesity, smoking and alcohol. We are proactive in working with patients by providing education on how best to manage chronic disease.
Additionally, patients can access many allied health services including podiatry, dietitian, psychology, physiotherapy and osteopathy all from our one convenient location. By having these ancillary services situated together we also ensure a more streamlined and collaborative approach to patient care.
Restricted Bulk Billing available for: Pension, DVA, & Concession Card holders + Children Under 16
Antenatal / Pregnancy / Postnatal Care
Our team at Coolangatta Medical Centre will guide you through this most exciting time and ensure you have a safe and fulfilling experience.
Ensuring that women are as healthy as possible during their pregnancy is important to guarantee the best possible start in life for their child, with our skilled doctors all your antenatal and pregnancy and post natal needs will be looked after. Our doctors are regularly up to date with the most recent clinical care in Women’s and Children’s health. With all your regular check ups for all stages of your pregnancy looked after from conception, through each trimester and right through to the birth and after care of you and your child.
At Coolangatta Medical Centre our patients come first, and whatever your beliefs and values we are happy to accommodate. With all your blood tests and medical needs in one place, makes it easier with only one place to go.
Bulk Billing available for: Pension, DVA, & Concession Card holders + Children Under 16
Extensive Vaccinations
Yellow Fever, Cholera, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Influenza, Japanese Encephalitis, Malaria Medications, Meningitis, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Pneumococcal, Polio, Chicken Pox, Rabies, Tetanus, and more
Bulk Billing available for: Pension, DVA, & Concession Card holders + Children Under 16
Men’s Health
We provide specialised Men’s Health services including:
Bulk Billing available for: Pension, DVA, & Concession Card holders + Children Under 16
Diabetes & Heart Problems
Our focus areas are people affected by all types of diabetes, this includes people with type 1 diabetes, people with type 2 diabetes, women with gestational diabetes, people with other forms of diabetes, their families and carers, and people at risk of developing diabetes.
Diabetes is a complex condition, which can affect the entire body. Understanding diabetes is important even if you don’t have it. You most likely know someone who has diabetes; maybe a family member or a friend. This is because diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in Australia and globally.
Community awareness of the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes is still surprisingly limited. As a community we need to foster a culture of shared understanding of what diabetes is and be part of the solution that turns the diabetes epidemic around.
Coronary heart disease (CHD) affects many people and may cause angina (chest pain) and heart attack. Risk factors for heart disease include smoking, diabetes, obesity, family history and age. By following a healthy lifestyle and taking medicines as prescribed by your doctor, you can reduce your overall risk of developing coronary heart disease.
The main aim of a check-up is to detect illness at an early stage, or better still prevent illness occurring in the first place. It is surprising how many conditions are picked up on routine medicals.
With our team of doctors, dieticians and nurses we care for you and all your medical needs and assist you in managing your conditions.
Bulk Billing available for: Pension, DVA, & Concession Card holders + Children Under 16
Health Checks for All
The purpose of the health check is to focus on the needs of people around 45 to 49 years of age who are at risk of developing a chronic disease. The aim of the health check is to assist with the detection and prevention of chronic diseases and enable early intervention strategies to be put in place where appropriate
Restricted Bulk Billing available for: Pension, DVA, & Concession Card holders + Children Under 16
Do you have any of the following “risk factors” that may increase your chances of developing a chronic disease? If so, you might want to consider seeing your Doctor about a health check.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people can access the same health check between the ages of 15-54 if they meet the patient eligibility requirements.
The purpose of the health check is to focus on the needs of people around 45 to 49 years of age who are at risk of developing a chronic disease. The aim of the health check is to assist with the detection and prevention of chronic diseases and enable early intervention strategies to be put in place where appropriate.
High blood pressure
Sedentary lifestyle
Poor or unbalanced diet
Elevated cholesterol
Impaired glucose metabolism
Family history of chronic disease (e.g. cancer, heart disease, diabetes or arthritis)
High stress levels
Sun exposure
Alcohol misuse
This health check is aimed at people aged between 40 and 49 years of age.
The Australian Type 2 diabetes assessment tool is a short list of questions to help both health professionals and patients assess the risk of developing type 2 diabetes over the next 5 years.
People with a high result, are eligible to attend a Diabetes Risk Evaluation with their Doctor. If you meet the criteria of being at immediate or high risk, this is followed up with blood tests and a discussion about lifestyle changes.
Osteoporosis affects 1 in 2 women and 1 in 3 men over the age of sixty. It is important to be aware of your bone health, as osteoporosis often has no symptoms until a fracture occurs. If you want to find out if you are at risk, speak to your Doctor of the Practice Nurse.
There are many risk factors that may contribute to you developing osteoporosis;
Management of osteoporosis, once diagnosed through a bone density test, involves lifestyle changes, medication to stop further bone loss and fractures, and falls prevention measures.
Lifestyle: smoking, excessive alcohol intake, diet lacking in calcium and a sedentary lifestyle
Family history
Medical history: chronic liver or kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, early menopause in women, or low testosterone levels in men
Men often don’t make time to see a Doctor unless they are very sick. A comprehensive Men’s Health Check is designed for males aged 35 to 74 years of age. This focuses on preventative health strategies aimed at safeguarding your health. It provides and opportunity to update your medical, family and social history and to look at any potential health issues.
A health check may cover the following:
Your Doctor can also assist with advice and information on how to make lifestyle changes and improve your health.
We recommend an annual men’s health check:
Skin checks
Heart health check (BP, ECG and blood tests)
Weight management
Diabetes risk assessment
Prostate cancer screening
Bowel cancer screen
Eye health
Bone density assessment
Immunisation status
Alcohol and drug issues
Mental health concerns such as depression
Erectile dysfunction or other sexual problems
Relationship problems
Spirometry Testing
Spirometry Testing is a measurement of lung volume and how well the air spaces in your lungs transfer oxygen to the blood(diffusion capacity).
Results of this test can help your doctor determine whether the patient suffers from obstructive or restrictive lung disease so they can decide on appropriate management.
Results are compared to the normal ranges for a healthy person of the same age sex,height and race. The most important thing is to determine whether the pattern of respiratory disease is either obstructive (over-inflation) or restrictive(difficulty expand the lungs). Your doctor can then get an idea of specific underlying disease.
Bulk Billing available for: Pension, DVA, & Concession Card holders + Children Under 16
Our on-site pathology service covers an extensive range of pathology testing which is amply supported by fully functioning laboratories.
Bulk Billing available for: Pension, DVA, & Concession Card holders + Children Under 16
Standard Pre Employment Medical
This includes a questionnaire to document an employee’s medical history and an examination of an employee’s visual acuity. A general physical examination includes a look at the degree of extension, flex-ion, rotation and power in different parts of the body.
Bulk Billing available for: Pension, DVA, & Concession Card holders + Children Under 16
Drug & Alcohol Testing
Employee drug testing is increasingly being carried out by organisations due to the general recognition that the use of alcohol and other recreational drugs can present a hazard in the workplace.
Drug testing may also be useful in pre-employment assessment. The main goals of urine testing include:
To improve workplace safety
To improve productivity
To reduce product/service defects
To help employees overcome or modify their patterns of use of such substances
Drugs are well concentrated and excreted in urine, and testing involves techniques for detecting the various substances in a sample of urine.
The following drugs are tested:
Cannabinoids (i.e. marijuana)
Amphetamine Substances (e.g. speed, ecstasy etc.)
Benzodiazepines (valium etc.)
Opiates (e.g. heroin, morphine)
In addition, we offer standard drug screen testing, which in addition to the above covers:
Alcohol (ethanol)
Methadone Metabolite
Other drug classes can be tested upon request.
Urine for testing may be collected either supervised or witnessed according to the company’s OH&S protocol. Supervised collections are standard Healthscope Commercial Pathology policy and are carried out by trained collection staff. Such collections can be performed, on request by the Client. Collection, labelling and transport of the sample are carried out according to strict ‘Chain of Custody’ protocols as described in National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) guidelines. Chain of Custody documentation and procedures are designed to protect sample integrity and avoid sample tampering and claims of misidentification.
Healthscope Commercial Pathology provides a convenient kit to facilitate urine specimen collection and labeling. The kit consists of a strong plastic transport tube with screw-on lid, two specimen bottles and caps, specimen ID labels, Chain of Custody request form, tamper-proof seals, temperature strip, specimen plastic bag. The kits are suitable for mailing or transport to Healthscope Commercial Pathology laboratories.
The initial laboratory testing is a ‘screening test’. A screening test can give a false positive result on occasion and it is strongly recommended that all positive results be confirmed using a confirmatory Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) test. Screening rechecks can be requested by the referrer, without charge, on the original sample.
The following drug classes are detected:
Cannabis (THC)
Amphetamines / (AMP)
Methamphetamines (MET)
Opiates (OPI)
Benzodiazepines (BZO)
Cocaine (COC)
The following drug classes are detected:
Cannabis (THC)
Amphetamines / (AMP)
Methamphetamines (MET)
Opiates (OPI)
Cocaine (COC)
Phencyclidine (PCP)
It is possible that some medications may lead to false positive results in the initial screening test. Staff for whom urine drug testing is requested should be asked to list all prescription and non-prescription medicines and supplements that they may be taking.